If a healthcare provider’s negligence worsened your medical condition or caused you to suffer injuries, you may be able to recover compensation. Medical malpractice cases are complex and require a careful, in-depth examination since not every medical error or injury rises to malpractice. However, when a patient experiences harm while receiving medical care, a malpractice lawsuit may be warranted to recover damages if liability can be established.
New York State requires medical professionals and health care institutions to follow the “standard of care” within the medical community. “Standard of care” in the medical malpractice context refers to the quality of care in a given situation that meets the acceptable standards in the medical community. If at any time a medical provider does not follow that standard, medical negligence or malpractice may be found. After gathering evidence, a successful case will need to prove:
Depending on the evidence, the extent of your injuries, and the future outlook of your health, you could be compensated for: pain and suffering, all medical care and treatment (past, present, future), lost wages and benefits, reduced earning potential, disfigurement, loss of life enjoyment and companionship.
If you or a loved one suffered harm due to medical malpractice, the Law Offices of Peter D. Baron is available to advise you of your rights and legal options. Please feel free to call us at 631-367-7000 or completing our online consultation form.
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